My Nearly New Sale Haul

Last weekend I went to a local nearly new sale

You know all those things you bought or were given for the children that you didn’t use/need? Those really cute outfits they grew out of before they’d worn them? The toys you bought them that they never really got into? Your five copies of The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Well, everyone has that stuff.
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Please don’t go

Look. I know what I said. I know I haven’t always been grateful. I know I don’t always approve. I know I send the occasional indignant tweet, like when Ruff Ruff describes a sphere as a circle (that’s just wrong!). I know I get cranky every time Numberjacks comes on and my three year old freaks out because the baddies are so scary (seriously, you need to give us some warning!). I know I laughed at all those plot ideas people suggested for the new series of Topsy and Tim. (but that show really is twintastically irritating. And sexist. And smug.) I know I sometimes add sugar or salt to Katie’s recipes. And I know I said those things about Mike the Knight (but he is a tit. I don’t take that back.)
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Concerns over Daddy’s personal hygiene

One morning Jet came into our room and climbed into the bed for a cuddle.

Putting his face on Daddy’s pillow,”You’re a bit stinky,” he said to Chris, charitably. “You smell like a, like a… like a dirty pillow.” (I really do not know where he got his inspiration from on that one.)

It is always a pleasure to be told you smell by your three year old boy, not often known for excellent personal hygiene themselves.

Later on in the day, Chris took the children shopping. Jet had been uncharacteristically lovely to his sister, showing her around his nursery and holding her hand as they walked down the road, so Chris decided that he deserved a special treat and bought himself Jet a Star Wars lego set.

Walking back to the car, Jet benevolently suggested, “Would you like a special treat, too? For being a good Daddy?”

He had clearly been thinking about what Daddy should choose for his special treat, and was quick to make this suggestion.

“You could have a shower.”

Little Hearts, Big Love