Killing time #2

What’s that you say? A hobby you can eat? Where do I sign?

I like to fill a good proportion of all that spare time we all have floating about with baking. Despite a fairly natty taste in jackets, I am no Mary Berry, but I can definitely produce something more than edible. I have a lot of fun baking and decorating the children’s birthday cakes.

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This is a love that is definitely shared with Jet, who loves to scoop, measure, stir, beat, and (his favourite, owing to a fairly dominant destructive streak) crack eggs. In fact, I think he likes to crack the eggs nearly as much as to lick the bowl. We do bake together fairly regularly, although having him as a sous-chef rather takes the relaxation out of the whole affair.

As we all know, giving them a hand in making their own food is widely recommended in order to encourage them to try more healthy foods. The children have been involved in no end of pizza-adornment, where they can add the colourful and appetising vegetables they are going to pick off and throw on the floor as soon as their cooked masterpiece is laid before them at table. Similarly, Jet enjoys scrubbing and chopping the carrots, but is no nearer to actually eating them.IMG_20150822_190507_resized

Me: “What do you think, Jet?”

Jet: “Lovely! But it’s a bit horrible.”

There may be many healthy recipes out there, and I have made them all. My holy grail is a cake that is both moist, delicious and sweet with approximately 6 calories and zero fat. But whenever I do attempt something without all the sugar, butter and other necessary evils, my lovingly prepared ‘treats’ go entirely unmunched. My approach is now to just accept this, and offset any health benefit (such as hidden veg) with a lardy pay-off (like oodles of cheese). I have also learnt that if you put enough chocolate in something, it will never go to waste.


Cereal is fortified with things and stuff, right? Well, that’s okay then.

If you enjoyed this, you will love this. Also, you can check out some of my recipe posts here and here.

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

16 thoughts on “Killing time #2

  1. I love baking with my girls and regularly try involve them in dinners. However the baking part is never healthy, always full of sugar but utterly delicious. The birthday cake looks amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the look of the R2 D2 cake – it looks brilliant! Mine also love to “help” but they are only interested in licking the bowl – everything else? Is then down to me!

    Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on Sunday x

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