A fairly normal Saturday

5.30pm… Chris got up with the kids, so I lay in bed for a bit, bracing myself for the day. I showered and dressed whilst they all had breakfast.

7am… I bribed Jet with ‘gummy bears’ (he thinks his multivitamins are a delicious treat – a fact I use to my advantage) to get himself dressed, which he managed to do all by himself whilst I put Stella’s clothes on. I managed to fill the paddling pool so the water could warm up a bit before the kids would go in it later, a small act of unusual preparedness which made me feel like I was winning at life. Chris left for work before 7.30.

8 am… We walked to Enfield without too much trouble, although Jet did want to hold my hand to walk on a variety of walls, which was tricky given the pushchair and shopping trolley.

8.30pm… We went to the fishmongers where Stella was cooed over by one fellow customer, whilst Jet impressed another by eating an alarming quantity of ice from the shellfish display :/ But in his defence it was really hot today, and at least it took his mind off running away. Continue reading

Jet Linford Houdini Hanby

Jet. Inventor of words, champion gurner, all round debonair. Never one to rest on his laurels, he is keen to add ‘budding athlete’ to his list of hobbies and interests. Lately, he’s been legging it off at top speed whenever he gets the opportunity, with a typical disregard for his safety. This is driving us to distraction. Continue reading

Recipe – Dairy and non dairy frozen ‘yoghurt’ bites

Stella is lactose intolerant. Whilst she can have a little bit of dairy here and there, she’d run into trouble if she ate a substantial amount of lactose.

I wanted to make her some dairy-free ice creams to enjoy in the warmer weather, having done so in previous years for Jet who has no food intolerances. So here’s my recipe for fruity frozen yoghurt bites – made with greek yoghurt for Jet and coconut yoghurt for Stella. Continue reading

All the jobs I have ever done – #BlogAJob Challenge

I have decided to start my own Blog Challenge of the back of this post I wrote last month. As you can see, the theme is a sort of CV, and like a real CV you can gloss over the less interesting parts of your career if you wish (I did), forget something you spent two years doing (I also did) or leave out your involvement in secret undercover operations for MI5 for your own safety (I will leave you guessing on this one). But I thought it would be nice to find out more about other bloggers and this was a fun post to write, so I hope you enjoy taking part!

Here are the rules:

1. Write about your job history, including highlights and something you learnt from your experience there.

2. Tag some other bloggers you would like to take on the Jobs Challenge themselves. I will leave it up to you to choose how many!

3. Show it some social media love – Pin if you find it Pinteresting, update your Facebook status, Instagram it, or send a tweet or carrier pigeon to me @aliwal, using the hashtag #BlogAJob

I would welcome anyone who wants to take up the challenge to please tweet me a link when you’re done 😀

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