It’s the way they tell ’em

Jet has got really into telling jokes. He loves my brother’s gags – we all do – and despite the fact he doesn’t always really understand why they are funny, he will tell and retell them, making them his own.

Will: Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Jet: I don’t know! Why!?

Will: Because 7, 8, 9!

Everyone: Ha ha ha!

(A while later)

Jet: Why is 3 afraid of 4?

Everyone: I don’t know – why?

Jet: Because 4, 5, 6! Ha ha ha!

Jet will then repeat this joke for any other set of consecutive numbers, oblivious to the word play involved in the original’s success. Ad infinitum.

20170402_110254Sometimes, The Innovator nails it, though.

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