Jet – perfectly normal since 2012

I have written before about some of the perfectly normal things Jet does. Here’s another instalment, you lucky, lucky people, with a distinctly business feel. Apart from 4. That is just weird.

1. Radiator Pianoforte

You thought this was a radiator? No. Jet is often to be found giving bathroom recitals at this, his 88 key grand piano, flicking his imaginary tuxedo tails out of the way before sitting down on the stool. He throws his head around expressively during performances, it really is a sight to behold 🙂 Given his recent entrepreneurial streak, perhaps he is busking?

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He takes a dynamic bow

2. ‘Lockways’

Jet sets up blockades in the living room to stop Stella’s progress from sofa to kitchen, using blankets, cushions, small items of furniture. Lately, this has progressed to him barring anyone’s passage from A to B, demanding payment in high fives, although he will accept real money as well, he is keen to point out. You can read more about this enterprise here.


“What would you like today?”

3. Partners

When left alone with a washing airer, Jet’s first thought was to open his own department store – Partners. It sells all sorts of things like toys, baby sisters, anything he can lay his hands on.


“Service with a smile at Partners!” Is not their motto.

4. Aggressive blanketing


Jet wants you to be cosy on the sofa. Unfortunately, he thinks that in order for this to be achieved you must have your whole body and head completely covered. Any time you try to uncover your head for the purposes of talking to someone, watching tv or breathing, he will make sure you are all ‘cosy’ again. Here he is in the act of aggressively blanketing Chris.


Friday Frolics

Modern Dad Pages
Domestic Momster

22 thoughts on “Jet – perfectly normal since 2012

  1. My son is also quite a fan of aggressive blanketing – although his logic is that he wants you to play “boo” with him. I think. It’s that or suffocation. So let’s go with the “boo” explanation… 😉
    LOVE the radiator piano. That is brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The radiator piano is inspired! I have a post on this theme coming up when I can drag myself away from obsessively cutting shapes in felt. Well sort of on this theme, no pianos or radiators actually which has made me lose some confidence in it now!! Oh well, I love the grumpy Partners dept store!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, at the moment my son just bosses the baby about and then just gets the hump when she doesn’t follow the instructions to his carefully thought out plans and schemes… 🙂
      Thanks for hosting!


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