Teaching Jet to read

Just thought I’d share with you some ideas I have started using to introduce some basic reading skills to the boy. One of my motivations for this is that he’s into it. He loves books and I think it would be nice for him to be able to read them by himself. He’s always asking what things say. But also, I am constantly on the lookout for things he can do independently when he wakes up at the crack and decides it’s time for everyone to stop lying around and get on with life.  So, I am hopeful that in the future I can add reading to my list of stuff to stop Jet climbing on my head at 4.30 am; along with playdoh, lego, train tracks, magnets, pom pom sorting, tweezers and bottle tops and threading. The length of this list is testament to how much I would like him to sleep a bit later! Extremely bloody LOTS!

Here’s what I have been doing so far. This relies on them knowing a bit about their letters and sounds, and to start the ball rolling with this I do have one suggestion…

Plonk your child in front of CBeebies whenever you need 10 minutes/a few hours to get shit done/have a nap because they have woken you up insanely early. Whilst you must take care to avoid them picking up a poor moral compass from twats like Mike the Knight, you will find that they learn stuff by some sort of osmosis. This is how Jet learnt his numbers, letters and sounds. Sometimes parental neglect pays off 😀


When they have this down, you can move on to words. Choose three common words, the Reception key word list is a good starting place. If possible, pick one they already know, their own name, dad or mum is a good place to start – it gives them confidence. Write them out on post it notes five times each and hide them around the room. You can stick them on furniture, the walls, some in obvious places and some more hidden.

Show your child one of the words and tell them what it says. Get them to repeat it back to you and point out what the first sound is. You might want to name the letters in the word as well. Ask them to find all the post it notes you have hidden in the room that say this word. Repeat for the other two words. By the end of this, they might be able to remember these three words.

Leave one of each of the words up in the house. You can ask them to go and stand next to the word that says dad, mum, etc. Periodically, ask your child if they can remind you what each one says. When you read them a story, get them to see if they can spot one of their words in the book. This will help them to learn to recognise the word in context, as well as in isolation.

You can add three more words when they become really confident with the first set. If they need to, you can revisit one they are having trouble with, adding just one new word along with two other familiar ones.

I am excited about Jet being able to read, and even with the six or so words he has managed to learn so far (including mum, dad, at, the, me, you), he is able to help me read his bedtime story. What is more, he is really buzzed up by it – the look on his face when he is able to read a word says it all. Pure delight!


Hopefully, some time soon I can add it to my list of stuff to give him to do in the morning, if you call 4.30 am the morning :/

Stopping at two


Modern Dad Pages

34 thoughts on “Teaching Jet to read

  1. Ooo I’m excited about this with my boy when he’s a bit bigger, great ideas. The reception key word list is very helpful
    I’d never heard of it before. And I really like the sparkly letters…do I need to pull out my amazing crafting skills or can you buy them somewhere? X


  2. This is very good! I wish I had done this with my eldest daughter. She is now 5 and already reading and writing at school but it took her a long time to start reading the words. I’ll definitely use this method with my second one when she is a little bit older. Thanks for the tip!! 😉 xx #TwincklyTuesday


    1. Oh great! I’m glad you like the sound of it and I hope it works for you. I am a primary school teacher, so I get a bit of a head start on this stuff 😀 I’m glad your daughter is doing well with her reading.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. He never taught him anything good! Pesky, entitled little tin headed rich boy! (Sorry, I have feelings on this subject!) Peppa Pig is also quite a rude child, but I have a soft spot for that show 🙂 Thanks for reading


  3. This is such a good idea! Initially was drawn into you post by those sparkly letters – if a benefit of teaching my son to read is those sparkly letters I’m in…and that doesn’t make me sound like a bad mum as all…
    But seriously, I was thinking about this the other week, wondering where to start and this is just perfect! #wineandboobs


    1. Glad you like the letters – I’ll tell you what though, they don’t look quite so appealing when you find them in the baby’s nappy 😉 Thanks for the twitter social sharing love, btw. #chuffed


    1. The beauty is, he’s accessing the books now, even with his modest collection of words – he’s made the connection that those groups of letters are communicating something 🙂 Thanks for hosting x


  4. Oh I need to start on this! My girlie loves to read but I haven’t quite crossed the road to teaching her to read the words. You’re motivating me to get my butt in gear!! Thanks for linking to #wineandboobs

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely idea! We used grocery time as a great reading lesson. I’d task the children with finding a specific item on the shelves. Pictures on labels helped them find the word (e.g. “beans”) we were looking for and they felt SO grown up with each success! Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Some great ideas, my boy is learning to sight read (I think) and we have summer holiday homework to look out for some high frequency words. I think I may have to put some of this into practice.

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)

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